Writerhouse gifts!

We’ve spent more time leading and writing than posting this year, and the work coming out of our weekly meetings has been tremendous! Our teen meetings have been welcomed by Writerhouse for the past four years, and we want to share one of their gifts to our young writers! Writerhouse maintains a wonderful library of literary magazines they […]

Weekly Writing Workshops

Weekly writing workshops begin in the fall with a “Memory Bank” theme, each offering a stand-alone workshop, together building a powerful bank of tools for a writing journal, developed by Martha Banks with help from Carrie Brown at the Hollins MFA program. Winter/Spring activities revolve around the editing and production of Crossroads, our annual anthology […]

Crossroads IV Writing Award

We are thrilled by all the wonderful work received for this year’s teen anthology. We are doubly glad to announce our award winner, Marie Ungar, selected by UVA Creative Writing professor, Jeffery Renard Allen. Marie is a rising junior, poetry editor of our Crossroads IV anthology, active writer and winner of the latest Writer’s Eye […]

Open Mic Rescheduled!

Our Open Mic event is rescheduled for Sunday, May 22nd at 4pm at the vibrant venue of IX Art Park!  (And we have indoor space in case of rain!) All teens, their families and the Charlottesville community are welcome! We are grateful to our judge, Jeffery Allen from UVA, who will be presenting the winning […]

Rained out! April Open Mic rescheduled!

April showers bring Mayflowers, but we were hoping the rain would stay in the evening forecast, but alas, it will be raining during our open mic. We’re rescheduling, and our tentative date is Sunday, May 22nd! We are still glad for the respite our firefighters are feeling as the rain cools the fires in the Shenandoah […]

Printer’s Ornament: Clue #3

The third Printer’s Ornament in Crossroads IV is designed to reflect the theme of Person vs. Nature. Notice that as our writers focus outward and respond to the larger world, the ornament opens further. We hope you enjoy exploring the progression of these intricate designs!

Printer’s Ornament: Clue #2

Last week, we revealed that there is a method to our madness in assigning particular printer’s ornaments to each page in Crossroads IV. While the first printer’s ornament corresponds to works fitting into the literary theme of “Person vs. Person”, our second set of ornaments reflects the literary relationship of “Person vs Self.” Our student […]

Peyton Williams – the power behind our communications!

It is National Poetry Month, and our teens are… all studying for AP exams or finals in May! We cannot thank Peyton Williams, newly minted UVA graduate with a BA in religious studies and psychology, contributor and editor for the Cavalier Daily, and events assistant for the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, whom we know is moving […]

Look3 Photography Showcase

We are excited to announce that our teen photographers will have a show of their work at Splendora’s Gelato Cafe in the month of June as part of the LOOK3 photography festival, one of the premier photography festivals on the East Coast! Their work will be hung for the First Friday Art Walk in June, […]